UPcoming Events

What's happening at Perry United Methodist Church?  

Scroll below the calendar for event registrations.  

Methodist Men Dinner

Everyone is invited (both men and women) for dinner together and a program presented by the Denominiational Future Committee.  We will have a burger bar.  Let us know if you are coming by calling the church office at 478-987-1852 or click here.  

Foster Care Appreciation dinner

We are showing love and appreciation to many foster families in Houston County by hosting a dinner on Tuesday, May 14 at 6 p.m. on our campus.  

We will have a dinner for the parents in our Family Life Center and dinner for the children in our Youth and Education Building.  We need MANY volunteers to make this event a success.  Please sign up to volunteer here.  

All volunteers must have a background check on file with the church to volunteer.  If you have an not filled out a background check, you may do so here or come by the church office during the week.  

Want to help but can't volunteer?   Come by the church office and grab a disposible pan and a recipe for simple pasta dish that we plan to send home with each family.  

May is Foster Care Appreciation Month so we are also collecting $25 gift cards to restaurants, gas stations, and grocery stores that we will gift to the families attending the dinner.  You may bring these cards by the office or place them in the offering plate on Sunday.